Sunday, May 19, 2013



Good morning! Another day with studiesss. Honest speaking studying is pretty much better compare to assignments peak.  However, I still get annoyed by the subjects that I have to exam soon, er day after tomorrow. It is freaking hard and I don't really understand what the text book trying to say. Anyway I have to blog next time maybe after my exams. Good luck to every STPMsss and ALEVELsss (:

Friday, May 17, 2013

尔康● 紫薇

尔康● 紫薇

他们的爱情, 没有小燕子和五阿哥的轰轰烈烈; 他们的爱情, 没有情儿和萧剑的难分难舍。他们的爱情, 没有夏雨荷和乾隆的凄凉可悲。
他们的爱情, 就那么普通, 那么的细水长流, 那么的相敬如宾, 那么的可歌可泣  。

他们分开的日子已有过半年。二人身出异地, 平日只能用互联网相见。男方比女毕业得早半年,  比女的更早开始进入社会。忙碌的生活似乎不能让相隔一片大海的他们时常联络。终于, 女方熬了过来, 终于毕业了,期待着和他见面的他却被无情的家人反对了。一个女孩子家怎能千里迢迢去找人家。为了家里安宁, 女孩选着留在家里, 和他继续相隔一片海洋。但,他们不感到难过, 不感到寂寞,一有机会就上网相谈,平平淡淡的。没有任何浪漫, 轰轰烈烈。无论对方如何忙碌, 男孩还是定时和她通电话, 定时和她在网上相见。

终于,女孩要去做工了。期待着政府将自己派到和男孩靠近的地方。凭着自己优越的成绩, 绝对没问题。希望越大, 失望也大。虽然被派到比较靠近的地方, 至少不用再隔一片大海, 但, 彼此的路程却只能靠坐飞机才能见面。女孩崩溃了。没什么熬了那么久, 却到头来还是相见不了。

看着他们一路走过来的路, 身为旁观者都忍不住鼻酸了起来。坚强的他们, 一定可以越过重重难关, 然后幸福地在一起。我真心希望他们一切顺利。

Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Hello May!

Hello May!

Time flies. It is May! Dead blog finally alive! Well I abandoned my blog for almost 4 months! I wanted to talk a lot a lot but I had no time to visit my blog. I'm truely sorry for it. Well, a lot shits and sweets happened through this half year. However, perhaps shits happened more. Pfft. Same problems as secondary, friends and academic. As usual, this sem is freaking hectic too. A mountain of assignments and practicals kill my precious times. That's why I wanted to go back my home so badly. It is because at least when I'm home, I can choose to not to think about works or stress at here. I can own a little time to rest. While at here, stress attack me hard. Assignments stress, practicals stress and now exam stress. 
My birthday coming very soon. One week later. Somehow I'm not really looking forward but I'm afraid its coming. I fear that I'll expect too much and disappointed again and again. I have no idea why my birthday will always at exam periods. Sigh. 
In another way, sem break coming soon too! Holidaysssss plssss



这, 真的是代价吗?
我, 还是逃不过命运吧。
总是偷偷存着希望, 现实却活生生将我希望戳灭。