Hey baby, when we are together, doing things that we love.
Every time you're near I feel like I’m in heaven, feeling high
I don’t want to let go, girl.
I just need you to know girl.
I don’t wanna run away, baby you’re the one I need tonight,
No promises.
Baby, now I need to hold you tight, I just wanna die in your arms..
Here tonight :') ♥
I can't believe how many times i repeating and repeating listen to this song. This song is just so so so so so nice and totally suit my taste! GAZETTE ROCKS! OMG just cnt stop click the "PLAY" button. Ruki and my Reita just look freaking hawt there. This song currently my favourite♥ Have a try! You will not regret :D I SRSLY FALL IN LOVE INTO THIS SONG!!!
And, my title has another meaning
Pledge, Promise A pledge, A promise. Between you and me.
I won't cry anymore, This is a lie.
Seriously, i dunno how to describe you. Cute? Funny? Lame? Sweet?
What i know, is i love you, no matter what are you.
For those of us who were wondering if we were getting Alzheimer's , this was actually fun. I've tested and my brain still works after all of these years and it's pretty well because I finished it in less than 10 seconds. So how about you? Wanna try it out , wanna know your brain's speed? Carry out the following test.
A Short Neurological Test
1. Find the C below , please do not use any cursor help.
3. Now find the N below , this one is a little bit difficult.
This is not a a joke. If you are able to pass through these three tests in a short time , you can cancel your annual visit to neurologist. Your brain is great and you are far away from Alzheimer. Congratulations.
eonvrye that can raed this rsaie your hnad.
To my 'selected' strange-minded friends:
If you can read the following paragraph, forward it on to your friends and the person that sent it to you with 'yes' in the subject line.
Only great minds can read this
This is weird, but interesting!
If you can raed this, you have a sgtrane mnid too
Can you raed this? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.
I cdnuolt blveiee that I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd what I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in what oerdr the ltteres in a word are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is that the frsit and last ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can still raed it whotuit a pboerlm. This is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the word as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! If you can raed this reopst it
Suddenly miss a handsome and hot japanese guy. That is YAMASHITA TOMOHISA :D claps!!!
I remember, when the 1st time i saw him, it is about 3 years ago, he appeared in my life even faster than Jin. That time, there is a advertisement about Proposal Daisakusen. It can say is my first japanese drama since i started my memory. I clearly remember that time, i and my sister looking at the advertisement, and just cried, "AWWW HE IS SO HANDSOME!"
Masami Nagasawa is just so pretty! *_* sweet smile :D
Kenji (Yamap which in the stand position) tried to go back to past to chase back Rei (Masami)
AWW! I DIDN'T KNOW THIS HAD BEEN AN ANIME!! (gonna find it and download!!!)
I completely beat by his solo song--LOVELESS♥.
It is the first single for Yamap, and he really did a great job. The music is just so wonderful and sweet.
Don't fall into this song after you listen it! :D Joy loves it so much right? ;D
And..his next song which i love to present.. ONE IN THE MILLION ♥
This also a great song right? Yama is just so cool. And last, i would loves to present is, My JIN feat a song with him, that is the best song ever, ETERNAL♥
so SWEEEEEEET :D The best song ever :D
Kame x Yama x Jin
They are best friends since they are small.
There has fact that Jin consisted Yama is his best friend instead of Kame, but the truth, who knows? Kame turn into his best partner ever. Seriously, i am missing akame loves so badly.
Just watched once again CLANNAD AFTER STORY . My tears failed to hold on. Seriously epic fail. Awesome episode 21 made me cry a river. Why i am so easily touched by Okazaki , Nagisa and Ushio.
I cried so badly when Nagisa died. I had been hated Nagisa for so long, but, now i am starting to like her. She loves Okazaki so much. This what makes me like her.
Tomoya-kun. Don regret to meet me.
I really touched by Nagisa. When she said this, i felt a lot feelings. I wont regret meeting you, whatever will happen in the future. Because of you, i changed my life. Because of you, my life filled with colours. Because of you, i had smile for so long. Although it may be hurt, it will painful, but i wont regret for meeting you. Because you are the most important people in my life. Do you regret for meeting me? If you didn't meet me, i will not be dead, i will not be suffered, i will not be sad.
Thanks for not regret to meet me.
If i didn't meet you, that will be so fine.
"Sanae-san told me before, the places that i can cry." "Where?" "At toilet, and father's arm."
I only want that toy. Because that toy is my first present from father.
I freaking hate this anime. Only the background soundtracks can made me cry like a little girl. Oh well, i am. But, this is one of the best anime i ever watched. Really awesome and touched. The 3rd times. This my 3rd times watching to the same scenes, and the 3rd times teared up for it. For Okazaki unbeatable tears, for Nagisa unlimited loves, for Ushio unforgettable smile.
But at last, i smile to see the miracles which happened. I didn't regret that i drop so many tears. To me it is freaking worth. If you not even drop a tears, you are completely cold blood. Don't know why, when i listen to Okazaki's "EN." (means ya) my tears can't hold on. It is so similar to someone. He cried before too. Through phone, but i knew. He just simply said "EN." Tried not to let me noticed. But i knew. Always i know. EEEEEE! Sorry for making you cried. Don't sad, and good luck. Miao? (laugh)
Listening to the soundtracks. Recommend to you guys, it is seriously touching and nice.
I like every songs in this videos. Please cry, when u watch this anime :)
One word, AWESOME. Don't regret to watch it too (laugh) you won't regret to meet Daniel Redcliffe.
X-LARGE DA PICA! SMEXY HARRY, oops i mean Daniel.
Looking forward for the part two of Deathly Hallow :)
Sorry for the RANDOM post. (laugh again)
Mood- quite sad, still in Clannad mood. D: YUP and quite excited, i bought something today in Pyramid. :D
Ah random me :D felt so tired, after two days keep on writing story ;D Today i want to relax myself. Tomorrow only continue my writing :)
Just came back from Jovyn's house. Jovyn went to a job interview! hahha, Good luck yea! xD
Went to BLISS D: i just brought RM3 for the breakfast. Hmm, milo i guess it will only cost around RM2.50? Oh yea, i guessed wrongly, milo is cost RM3.80 D:
Sad case and i forced to drink milk tea. Hahha, RM1.90.
Randomly wanna show what i had done this few days. I am totally free and fulled with dramas and animes. I had watch hong kong dramas which are Rosy Business and The Ghost Writter. Rosy business made me fall in love to Wayne Lai:D He is so innocent and cute :) But i fall in love to The Ghost Writter's theme song♥
I like it :D And i watched an new anime --> SHIKI 屍鬼. I guess this anime haven finish yet, but i will looking forward for the next episode :) One of the character named Yuki Natsuno, very cute and handsome :) this anime is about a village which hunted by shiki, means kind of vampires. A lot villagers died mysteriously and it is really creepy :/
Creepy right? their eyes are black in colour. But they just look so gorgeous.
Saw my natsuno??? He is the guy which wearing school shirt and have a purple hair. He is so handsome xD but..he dead because killed by his best friend which turn into shiki. I really eager to watch the next episode, i wish to know what happen to Natsuno. D:
Now is ME! Im freaking boring and gonna go out soon. Going taipan pizza hut with friends to celebrate hazel's birthday xD Now in my room with no air conditional , no fan. Hot. Still vexed whether wear which shirt =/ I hate to choose shirts. Hey! show you guys my boots :) That's my sister's boots but she lend it to me!
I love it veryyyyy much♥
And some pictures i take myself :)
Maaake up???? xD
Natural me :P awww sooo cute♥ *i mean the bear XD*
used my dad's phone. urgh, act cute :O
My momo's dresser :) MESSY
My latest drawing :D
Present Vampire Master! Cute version♥
kawai??? xD
Oh my god, im getting hotter and hotter. :/ i mean my room temperature xD
YUP!! i gonna write blog story soon! But is in chinese. Sorry, my english sucks can't really write out a perfect english essay. Hmmm tell a bit the storyline. The characters in the story have
About school life and loves♥
Remeber read it :) i will write it within this few days xD can't wait to write it :D
Now is 10.43am and luckly is still in 12 November :)