Thursday, July 15, 2010

hmmm...random POST!

Hi!! hmm...actually i am quite lazy to update my bloggie..but seems there is some times so i decide to write something about what happened this few days!!

Hmm..last few day something happened. About my one friend. He is seriously stupid and dumb and tried to decide everything for me. because of this, we had a fight ):
I am sad about that but what i still can do?
Finally, last 2 day, he woke up. He follows his own feeling and we are friends again. I really happy about that! Finally you telling the truth. ^___^

Hmm..and i gave someone something yesterday..My heart still pounding madly right now. But i am glad at last i gave out the present XD

AND! today! My class went to SEGi college in Damansara to attend a seminar by Adam Khoo..He is really a joker and made the seminar full of fun and joy! =D I really very enjoyed myself in the seminar. We must PARTICIPATE in 100% huh? hahahhahaha!!! As what he said today! We must play to WIN!
But, the only thing made me really upset is the teacher gave out the wrong informations to us.. we still thought that we will have 2 slices of PIZZA and finally ended up with "pizza" which jagung flavor -.- some more sponsor by Gardiner LMAO.

Anyway.. i quite happy. My mood is very very good compare to last time(hmm...around carnival that time)
Mostly because of my friends and someone XD

Haiz..time to study..need to rush my physics T^T i think it is time to pen off..erm, keyboard off i wonder? LOL 
okok...Chat next time ^___________^ 

Presented by Jin's smile..=)

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